Gastritis diet: diet characteristics

In the age of fast food and fast food, the spread of stomach problems is accelerating. After all, nutrition plays a pivotal role in gastritis, pancreatitis and ulcers. In this material, trying to find out the diet is suitable for gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcer, how to do further treatment, how to eat correctly?

What is important

Fresh vegetable soup for gastritis

The question of why diet is important for gastritis usually means other questions: "What can you eat with gastritis, pancreatitis, or ulcers, and what foods should you discard? " Each diet can aggravate the symptoms of gastritis and prescribe a lot of food preparationThe rules related to eating time are not only the treatment of the described disease, but also an indispensable part of the treatment of pancreatitis and gastric ulcer. In other words, at almost any stage, dietary nutrition is the most important part of the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and gastric ulcer.

The nutrition of gastritic gastritis should be balanced and mild, and obeying the diet of acute gastritis is precisely for this purpose. Its strict compliance will enable you to avoid severe abdominal pain or other symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, help prevent the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, and the degree of treatment is moderate.

Gastritis Vegetable Soup

Dieting gastritis means:

  • Snacks
  • Track the temperature of consumer products;
  • Properly prepare food for patients;
  • Reject alcohol and carbonated beverages, tobacco;
  • Choose simple foods that do not contain preservatives and hot sauce;
  • Exclude from the spice and condiment menu;
  • Food should be chewed thoroughly.

If you don't follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (abandon bad habits, get regular physical exercise and physical exercise), then calculating any diet that aggravates gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcers for a week or more will not help. Only when these conditions are met, the gastritis nutrition prepared by the nutritionist can bring the expected effect, and the treatment of the organ and the accompanying symptoms of the disease will be minimized.

What products can you buy

Many foods have anti-inflammatory properties or do not irritate the stomach wall. The method of food preparation is also important because the method of food preparation affects its acidity. The compliance of the diet to the inflammation of the gastric mucosa can also regulate the frequency of meals. With a history of stomach problems (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers), you need to sit at the table at least five times a day.

In this case, you should not binge eating. If you are not satisfied with your meal, it is best to recover later. If the acidity of the stomach is too low or too high to cause inflammation of its mucous membrane (gastritis), you need to pay attention to the temperature of the dishes that make up the menu. For stomach diseases, it is not recommended to use overheated or cold food on the contrary. Food should be warm, so it is less irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa and will not cause symptoms of gastric disease.

The choice of gastritis menu must take into account the content of hydrogen ions in the stomach, which is acidity. For example, fried, fatty and spicy foods, pickles, and homemade canned foods are also contraindicated to free stomach inflammation, and cause high and low pH damage to the gastrointestinal tract of the main digestive organs.

Gastritis Chicken Soup

In many ways, the digestive system's response to food depends on the consistency of the food. Foods aggravated by gastritis should be mainly made of liquid, fruit puree, and in extreme cases should include ground food. In this form, it can pass through the esophagus faster, thereby preventing the symptoms of stomach diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers). Specifically, a nutritionist or a personal nutrition coach with a nutritionist will tell you the foods that can be consumed by gastritis. Their task also includes drafting a food list for a week's diet or diet. People with a medical diploma should also deal with gastrointestinal diseases.

At elevated pH

Therefore, how to eat gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcers with increased gastric acidity, so that the symptoms of these diseases appear as little as possible. The main task of diet for the inflammation of the gastric mucosa is to minimize the consumption of those foods that are dangerous to it from the mechanical, chemical and thermal aspects. It has been said about the food temperature of patients with gastritis, pancreatitis or ulcers. Let us say it again. People with stomach problems should exclude foods that are too hot or too cold.

Too rough foods such as cabbage, turnips, turnips or cooked cereals and bran bread will damage the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to get used to a diet without them. These foods can increase the symptoms of digestive diseases, including ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis.

Gastritis diet porridge

The chemical irritants in the process of stomach inflammation are:

  • All types of alcohol;
  • Sweet candy
  • Fat broth
  • soda;
  • Garlic and onion are useful at first glance;
  • Immature fruit
  • Sour juice
  • Black bread.

If the symptoms of gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis worsen, the abuse of such products can lead to long-term treatment of these diseases.

At lower pH

The food that composes the diet to treat stomach disorders (pancreatitis, ulcers or gastritis) should start from the fact that you cannot eat with gastritis with low gastric acidity, there are fewer such foods. Due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, even at home, it is forbidden to eat indigestible foods, fish and meat with high fat content, smoked foods and canned foods. If you don't want to spend time and money on treating stomach diseases (such as pancreatitis or ulcers), you must also give up smoking.

Gastritis Fat Bun Soup

For a complete meal, the following foods are recommended:

  • rabbit
  • Some poultry varieties (chicken, turkey);
  • Milk derivatives
  • Roasted fruits (apples and pears);
  • Onions, garlic and physalis;
  • Some juices, such as birch.

This food increases the acidity in the gastric juice and prevents the symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therefore, no treatment is required.

Menu of the week

Due to lack of time to organize a diet for at least a week, there is a category of people suffering from gastric ulcer, pancreatitis or gastritis. For these people, a 7-day list of dishes is provided:

Gastritis vegetable salad
  • Day 1 and Day 3.At breakfast, you can eat a portion of Hercules and a cup of fruit plate. Lunch will include a few steamed cheesecakes. For lunch, we recommend mashed potatoes, vegetable soup with breadcrumbs, boiled fish and preserves. Between lunch and dinner, you can enjoy a cup of unleavened bread. At dinner, the meatloaf, pasta and tea were great.
  • Days 2, 4 and 6.You should start by eating baked apples and some cheesecake in the morning. While waiting for lunch, you should limit yourself to eating jelly. Vegetable soup, steamed fish and mineral water will be useful during lunch. Lunch lovers can suggest sugar-free tea with breadcrumbs. For dinner, you can prepare cheese casserole and jelly.
  • The 5th and 7th days.You can start your day with hard-boiled eggs and a cup of fruit plate. The second breakfast should include cheese cake and tea. During the day, it will not harm vegetable stew, mashed potato soup and jelly. For afternoon snacks, you can provide puree, kefir and biscuits. For dinner, you can eat porridge, boiled fish and a cup of rosehip broth.

Diet This diet is unlikely to require treatment for symptoms of gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis.